Autumn Term 2024
Monday 2nd SeptemberINSET day
Tuesday 3rd SeptemberHome visits to new children
Wednesday 4th SeptemberHome visits to new children
Thursday 5th SeptemberHome visits to new children
Friday 6th SeptemberFirst day back for children returning to Chelwood
Monday 9th SeptemberFirst day for some new children (some pupils will have later start dates throughout September and October)
                                                                                       Monday 28th October – Friday 1st November: Half Term
Monday 4th NovemberINSET day – school closed to all pupils
Tuesday 5th NovemberFirst day back for all children
Friday 20th DecemberLast day of term
                                                                                                                 Spring Term 2025
Monday 6th JanuaryINSET day – school closed to pupils
Tuesday 7th JanuaryFirst day back for pupils
                                                                                        Monday 17th February to Friday 21st February: Half Term
Monday 24th FebruaryFirst day back for all children
Friday 4th AprilLast day of term
                                                                                                             Summer Term 2025
Tuesday 22nd AprilFirst day back for all children
Monday 5th MayBank holiday – nursery closed
                                                                                        Monday 26th May to Friday 30th May: Half Term
Monday 2nd JuneFirst day back for all children
Friday 18th JulyLast day of term for children
Monday 21st and Tuesday 22nd JulyINSET days – school closed to all pupils