Our policies

Our policies

If you would like a hard-copy of any of our policies, please email your request to admin@chelwood.lewisham.sch.uk, or ask for a copy at our Welcome Center.

Accessibility plan

Admissions policy

Lewisham’s admissions policy

Attendance policy

Charging & remissions policy

Behaviour management policy

2024-25 Scale of charges

Complaints procedure

Educational visits policy

Equality policy

Financial Management Policy

Health & Safety policy

Inclusion policy

Pay policy

Privacy policy

Safeguarding & child protection policy

Teaching and learning policy

Whistleblowing policy

New annual requirements as of 1 January 2021 – all schools must include as part of the published information how many school employees (if any) have a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more in increments of £10,000.

In relation to the above, the school can declare a nil result.

Please see the school’s profile on the Schools Financial Benchmarking website.

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