Wraparound care

‘Excellent personalised early childhood education for every child’


In addition to your child’s 15 or 30 free early education entitlement hours, Chelwood also offers:

  • Breakfast Club

from 8.00– 9.00am with a choice of breakfast options

  • After School Club

from 3:30pm-5.30pm with a hot meal

These are additional services for which a fee is charged. The cost for 2023- 2024 is a flat rate £8 per hour. The clubs take place in the cosy setting of Chelwood House and its back garden and are run by Chelwood staff.

Club structure and meals!

Friends from across the school meet at breakfast and after school club in Chelwood House where they can play until breakfast or tea are served.

The children can choose from a range of activities like their classrooms. We provide opportunities for children to:

  • relax and socialise in cosy places
  • have snuggly places to rest and snooze if they wish
  • join staff in activities
  • self-select resources to play with
  • play inside and outside
  • share stories with staff and friends

Meal times

Meals are served like our school lunches, as a family service supported by a member of staff seated at the table. We encourage the children to develop their independence at meal times, making choices from a selection of foods.

The club menus typically include:


  • milk
  • diluted fresh fruit juice
  • water
  • oatmeal / porridge
  • sugar free/ salt free cereals
  • toast or croissant
  • fresh fruit


  • fresh fruit and vegetables
  • milk and water
  • freshly cooked hot and cold dishes
  • making sandwiches, cutting fruit

After eating children are free to choose how to spend their time as they do in their classes.

All children must be collected from after school club by 5:30pm. After this time late fees apply.

Our menu follows our Food in School policy and is informed by Food for Life, the SugarSmart campaign, guidance from voluntary food & drink guidelines for early years settings in England and Healthy Early Years London.